Dotted half-note plays back as quarter note

• Jun 11, 2023 - 04:28

In measure 6 (the lead-in measure is considered measure 1), the dotted half "C" on the lower clef gets played back as a quarter note. This is not the case with other dotted half notes on the bottom clef. I experimented and discovered that after removing all or part of the upper voice (on the lower clef), that the dotted half "C" gets played for a full three beats. Something in voice 1 is causing the playback function to truncate the 3-beat dotted half "C" to a 1-beat quarter note. I have attached the score. This score is from Frederick Noad's Solo Guitar Playing book.

Attachment Size
Exercise 50 - Noad.mscz 18.82 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank-you for confirming I wasn't imagining things. Before posting in this forum I had already sent in a support ticket. They responded. Rather than have two tickets, I will wait to see what they suggest. But at the end of the day I will probably post to GitHub where the development community is more likely to see and fix the issue.

I think it has to do with the font. If you listen very carefully, you can hear the C. If you move the lower note two measures before up to a C, it also becomes softer starting on the second beat. Change the sound to another instrument and there is no problem.

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