Copy Slur and bowing pattern

• Jun 24, 2023 - 08:16

Very simple question - Is there a way to automate the copying of the yellow-highlighted bowing and slur pattern in measure 1 shown in the attached image to 71 subsequent measures?


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Not quite simple to do it.
You can select all articulations of the first measure (Ctrl-select), copy and paste them into each following measure individually.
Another way: if all following bars have the same rhythm, then you can also provide the first measure with the necessary articulations, copy it several times (select the measure and press R repeatedly) and then bring the notes to the correct pitch in repitch mode.

The second way can be faster if you have not yet written the notes of these 71 measures. Because: You don't have to switch between the different note durations.

In reply to by SteveBlower

I recommended the control-select function because 'select similar' does not select the slurs.
Maybe it is different in MuS4.
And since you have selected the elements of one measure, you can only insert them into another measure - not into all remaining 71 measures at once ... At least in MuS 3.6.2.
So my second suggestion may be more efficient.

In reply to by HildeK

Don't select the articulation, select the note.

In more detail:
1. Create a range
2. Right click in first note (on beat 1)
3. Select all similar, same beat. All notes starting in beat 1 of measures within the range are now selected
4. Click on bowing symbol in palette to apply bowing to all those selected beat 1 notes.

Repeat for each note/articulation

In reply to by SteveBlower

Thanks, Steve. This works for the bowing, but not as HildeK pointed out for the slurs. I tried clicking on the Slur symbol in the palette, but it merely raised the Up-bow symbol higher than necessary, without actually adding any slurs.

It's definitely a start nonetheless. In my case, I already have the remaining 71 measures written out., so I may have to bite the bullet and to the slurs manually, measure by measure, staff by staff.

In reply to by Rruffpaw

OUCH! I just noticed that it added upbow markings even to the brass and woodwind, which awfully screwed up the playback. I can of course copy the strings to another score, do the manipulation there and then copy it back.

I guess I left out the little nugget of information in that my example only showed the strings section of the entire score.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Got it. However when I made a vertical selection from First Violins down to the double basses on beat 1, and selected "Same Staff" (there is no "Same StavES" option) it only applied the bowing pattern to the double bass line. I guess I have to do this staff by staff - not really a problem - was just curious if I was missing a small detail.

In reply to by Rruffpaw

No, the copy function does not have sub-options.

While holding down the Ctrl key, select the articulations one by one with the left mouse button.
Helpful: zoom in to hit the staccato dots. Press Ctrl-C to copy and select the target to paste (Ctrl-V).

Other way: use the selection filter and unselect there all voices. Now select the most left articulation, press shift and select the most right articulation of that measure.
Now: set the selection filter back to 'All', select the target measure and paste.
Unfortunately, you have to insert it in every single measure. To speed up: After inserting the articulation in, say, 10 measures, make the same selections for those 10 measures. The paste command will then do its job for the next ten ...

This does not work with slurs or ties. You must add them separately.

In reply to by HildeK

Ah thanks! I get it now. And yes, it does not add slurs. In any case, I've decided that I'm going to just do this for the first 4 measures and then write simile. I've noticed that the articulations hardly make a difference in terms of playback.


In reply to by Rruffpaw

If you intend to create sheet music, "simile" can be an option. If you want to create an audio file, you should write the articulations everywhere.

> I've noticed that the articulations hardly make a difference in terms of playback.
For some of them this is true.
But there is a clear difference in staccato, staccatissimo, in accent and in mercato and a few similar ones.
Some have adjustable parameters, like the fermata or the up bow.
I think it also depends a lot on the soundfont used. But my experience is based on the usage of MuS 3.6.2, there may be large differences to the MuS 4 sounds.

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