Corrupted File

• Nov 19, 2023 - 11:18

I've been trying to salvage a file which became corrupted as a result of crashing. I have been trying to extract it using 7-Zip or WinRAR but to no avail. Autosaved versions of the file (with the autosave extension) are nowhere to be found (save for one from hours ago, that in itself is also corrupt), and the existing file in the .mscbackup folder is similarly unaccessible. Does anybody know any other means to salvage this by any chance? The file is attached below:

Thanks in advance.

Attachment Size
lagu asik.mscz 36.88 KB


Unfortunately, this file only contains bytes with the value zero.
This file is irreparably damaged - no chance at all.

You can try to post the file from the .mscbackup folder, perhaps it does not have the same corruption.
(Rename the file extension to mscz, otherwise it may not be accepted by the forum website)

In reply to by sasharahmadin

Recycle Bin only has files that you have deleted.
If you are working with Windows try also the following locations:

The file names in 'AppData' are cryptical, so if there are some, open them and check it.

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