Add Fermata Playback Pause Value Like Sibelius

• Feb 3, 2024 - 16:18

Last year I dumped Sibelius and started using Musescore 100%. It is amazing. I almost don't miss it. Immense Kudos to the MuseScore team! Actually the only thing I personally miss is the pause value on the fermata settings. I cannot get my music to playback properly without an additional hidden cesura right next to the fermata, which sometimes it doesn't affect all lines equally. Can you consider adding a setting additional to the time stretch (Sibelius calls it gap) value for how long to stop after the stretch? Thanks!!

It is so funny. Looking back at this crazy properties dialog reminds me how complicated Sibelius is. Your percentage concept is lots better.

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Click on the fermata to select it. The look in the Playback section of the properties panel. You should see this


Adjust that Time stretch value.

In reply to by SteveBlower

He's not talking about the length of the fermata. He's talking about the ability to add a slight pause after it. I use that in Sibelius often. Sure, a breath mark can be added. But for real players, that might put too much significance on it.

In reply to by bobjp

All I'm saying is that the setting is there. Of course, normally it should be marked. But I think it also depends on the music. In a chorale, we might come to a soft held note. You don't want to charge into the next note. But you don't want a full stop either. If a musician sees sees caesura or even a breath mark, they might feel obligated to break longer than intended. The break after a hold setting helps phrasing without forcing a full stop. I know a lot of people mark every little thing just the way they want. So much so that I think it can detract from being able to read the music. As well as take away the musician's ability for play how they think something needs to be played at the moment.
Sure, it could be made invisible, but that is extra steps. And everyone seems to be in a hurry.

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