Staves/systems overflowing side margins

• Jul 4, 2024 - 21:18

I have an engraving job where the music staves go all the way to the page margins (because PDFs of the pages are being dropped into an InDesign book). Certain scores in this project have the problem illustrated in the attachment. Problem is, the 2nd staff wants to go off the edge of the page & it persists in doing this no matter where I put the system breaks. I've had this problem with several scores where the only solution I could come up with was to move the barlines, but that isn't an option with this piece and I'm at wits' end. How do I fix this?

Attachment Size
Screenshot (3).png 227.06 KB


BTW by "move the barlines" I mean deleting & inserting barlines. On this piece, I've actually pushed all the barlines, except the repeat sign, forward by 2 beats without resolving the issue. By "where I put the system breaks" I mean how may measures allowed per system & I've tried just about every combination of that w/o resolving the issue.

In reply to by rdfishjr

No, it can't "overflow" those settings. The screenshot below is the equivalent of 16 measures in 4/4, stuffed into a single measure. It cannot "break" the system, but notice that it does not "overflow" the margin settings.

20240704 190318-margins.png

In some fashion, you have margins/page size set incorrectly for it to do what your screenshot shows. Post your score (the .MSCZ file) so that someone can look at it.

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