Adjustment to get Musescore to jump to next page sooner during playback?

• Jul 25, 2024 - 02:49

When, during playback in page view mode, I'm singing along on the rightmost page of a score whose lyrics I haven't yet mastered, Musescore waits so late to jump to the next page that I don't have time to assimilate the lyrics on the new page quickly enough to sing them in tempo. Can the lead time for the switch to the new page be adjusted by the end user?


In reply to by Brer Fox

That solves about 1/4th of the problem. Another part of what I'm doing when rehearsing like this is becoming familiar with the score: where the repeats and jumps are, what the other parts are doing ... in short, assimilating the big picture. You don't get that in continuous view.

I often serve as a page turner for my wife when she's playing a new cello part. She always wants me to turn the page much sooner than Musescore does it. In anticipation, she looks ahead to the end of the line on the current page, takes what is there into short-term memory (from which she continues playing), and then wants a second or two to get reoriented on the new page.

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