Changing tablature font

• Jul 31, 2024 - 08:03

Hello, I'm aware this topic has been pretty beaten around and there is a lot of frustration around this. I am trying the tablature font workaround that allows me to use my own custom font for the tablature numbers as opposed to those native to MuseScore. The workaround involves editing your custom .ttf metadata and/or name (I can't really figure out which) to match that of one of the "baked in" fonts. I cannot, however, figure out where on earth in the program files the baked in fonts are. I have no idea what to name mine. They aren't under resources/fonts to my knowledge, or at least they do not bear the same name as what is displayed under the advanced staff style options for the tabs. How can I achieve this? I have my font ready to go.

I did already try naming my font mscoreTabRenaisssanceBold.ttf but no luck. Tried removing the extra s too to see if it was a typo.

The default fonts are simply not an option.


"my own custom font for the tablature numbers"
Just out of curiosity, could you attach a picture of this custom font, to see what it looks like.

"The default fonts are simply not an option"
Which ones have you tried, and what don't you like?

In reply to by cadiz1

Thanks for the reply. Here's the custom font. It is identical to the renaissance font, but I have changed the numbers. I am a novice to font design, so just copied the glyphs in from a font I like and it passed font validation. Maybe more info than is necessary, but I am a graphic designer making a hardcover book of sheet music and tabs for my band. All of the font work is extremely intricate and I'd like for the tab numbers to be within the aesthetic. I am trying to look within the system files now for any directory or something that mentions these fonts but no luck thus far.

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2024-07-31 at 2.26.09 AM.png 229.12 KB

In reply to by cadiz1

Was combing through the other threads on this and saw you had provided input there too. Was there ever any success with the workaround? I cannot figure out how to get it to work but I don't think I've done it correctly yet. Seems to be very tricky getting MuseScore to prefer an outside font for one of the native ones.

In reply to by knollvhs

I could be wrong (I haven't mastered this subject), but I really doubt it's possible. Or I suppose, unless you're a programmer and build your own version.
Having said that, not even Guitar Pro (a guitar program, let's say) has such a choice of fonts, unless I missed it in the latest version (I'm still on version 7.5).
An example of a score with GP:
black sabbath.jpg

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