voltas/repeats not doing what I wanted

• Aug 28, 2024 - 03:05

I have first and second ending on a passage. The measures 17-19 before the first ending I'll call the "common". This exact passage ought to play twice, eg, common, first ending, common, second ending, common, first ending, common, second ending and then moving on. However, MS4 plays 17-19 A FIFTH TIME before jumping over the voltas and moving on to 22. Measures under the voltas each have play count to 4 (setting to 5 as recommended in handbook doesn't change my problem. Nor does the value 3--it plays the same, hard to believe). The repeat list for the first volta is 1, 3, the repeat list for the second volta is 2,4.
The handbook says nothing about "how" the hook-end of the volta will change playback, I need that paragraph written into the manual. Not seeming to matter experimentally. And why the recommendation for play count to be one higher than the number of times the ending is to play?

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ForkedDeer-Crooked-bass-hidden.mscz 32.45 KB


You must set the play count in the measure properties of measure 21 to the value 2 - not 3!

> And why the recommendation for play count to be one higher than the number of times the ending is to play?
This value does not specify how often Volta 1 should be played, but how often the sequence should be started and played!
In your case, however, it is a little more difficult, as two repetitions are required in the 2nd volta.

(Done with Musescore 3.7)

Attachment Size
ForkedDeer-Crooked-bass-hidden1.mscz 18.81 KB

In reply to by HildeK

wait, you read the file in 3.7?
You clearly understand what I wanted, but I don't really understand how to think about what these numbers actually do. Is there a more in-depth explanation of the logic? I've had trouble scoring and rehearsing the erm, odd way my dulcimer club skips around and repeats so I'm interested in better understanding. Thank you for the help...I need to get on to rehearsing!

In reply to by coffeebug

Yes, I read that with 3.7 because Musescore 4 does not run on my system. But it behaves the same way in Musecore 2, 3 or 4 - only where it can be found in the program is different.

There are three settings for the repeats.
1) There is only the text for the voltas. This has no effect, it is only for human reading.
2) There is a volta repeat list. Here you have to specify in which order this should be played.
3) There is a play count for the measure(s) with the end repeat bar line. Here it is not entirely clear which value you have to set. For repeats with a first and a second volta, it is simple: it must have the value of how often the repeat is started - or more, which has no effect.
In your case, however, you have two repeat measures and three voltas. The play count of the first (I found out) must have at least the value 3 (more than 3 has no effect). But the play count of the second repeat measure must have exactly the value 2!

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