The Program, Website and Mobile App are showing different versions of the same file.

• Sep 12, 2024 - 11:26

Most often the Program version and the online version will be the same, but sometimes the score changes a little bit when uploaded (but it's not that bad).
However, when the score is viewed in the mobile/Pad application the score looks weird and the notes and text get stuck together.

This is a problem I have encountered on both Apple and Android, both on Mobiles and Tablets, and whether I upload from versions 3.3.4, 3.6.2 or 4.

What can this be? The sound is still the same; I think it's just the layout, but I don't understand why this would happen.

I will attach two photos, one of what it looks like in the app, and the other from the same bars from online.

Thank you for reading :)

Attachment Size
Screenshot Musescore online.png 59.85 KB
Screenshot mobile app.jpg 148.08 KB


It would be useful if you attached the actual score (.mscz file).

As a guess I would suggest that you have notes and lyrics in more than one voice, which leads to overlay and collision of lyrics when displayed in the mobile app.

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