MS 4.4.2 Mixer has gone funny

• Sep 21, 2024 - 15:07

I have started using version 4.4.2, and I wanted to open the mixer in a score, it is difficult to explain what it looks like, so I attached a screenshot.
Looks like it has gone blank, but at the bottom left I can see little bits of the mixer itself.

There is another issue itself: I have a backup of a score (also in .mscz) on a different part of the PC, when I open this, on pressin g the "Play" button, MS immediately shuts down. When I run it again, MS stops responding.
Any ideas, please?
There is not much more info I can give you as I am flabbergasted myself.

Thank you in advance.

Attachment Size
MSMixer.png 9.48 KB


  1. Indeed, it's a problem that recurs from time to time. But as far as I know, nobody yet has figured out what the trigger is.
    In the meantime, I don't know (but will check) whether via the menu View / “Restore the default layout” does the trick?

  2. About "MS immediately shuts down", please attach the file (.mscz). The causes can be diverses.

In reply to by cadiz1

Sorry, with the "wrong" file I meant the one that does NOT crash MS.
So, in other words the wrongfile was the right file if you get my drift. :)

In reply to by cadiz1

the latest version of musescore 4.4.2 will not open any files, it crashes every time on my iMac running Ventura 13.6.9. The earlier version worked fine except for bug relating to adding images and sometimes not displaying the mixer. I deleted the latest version and will stick with the older version until the next version comes out.

Hi mrfdes,

Can you attach the diagnostic files please? (Top Menu>Diagnostic>Save diagnostic files)

Also, what version of musesampler do you have? (Top Menu>Diagnostic>Muse Sampler>Check Muse Sampler)

Does the mixer bug occur if to setup MS Basic as default sounds? (Top Menu>View>Playback Setup>Set MuseScore Basic as default for new scores)


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