Suddenly can't edit individual notes?
I'm sure this isn't a bug but simply my own lack of experience with this software. I'm an experienced user of Sibelius from many years back so I've been able to figure out quite a bit in just a few days. Suddenly, after doing a bit of copying and pasting entire measures of drum tracks, I can't select a single beat anymore. Using mouse selection will only select the first beat of any measure. Arrow keys skip everything but the first beat as well.
What did I trigger and how do I get back to editing individual beats? Thanks in advance!
Can you share musescore file with us?
In reply to Can you share musescore file… by mercuree
In reply to Sure. by chrisrichard0
BTW, I didn't mean to imply that I think the copying and pasting caused this. It's the only thing I did start doing that I can recall that MAY have contributed to the issue. I doubt it but I've seen much stranger correlated events.
In reply to Sure. by chrisrichard0
I can't reproduce, I can select notes and change them
Not sure why you used voice 2 for all notes though, I swapped them and removed the superfluous rests
In reply to I can't reproduce, I can… by Jojo-Schmitz
Notes in voice 2 and that voice deselected in the selection filter perhaps?
In reply to I can't reproduce, I can… by Jojo-Schmitz
I didn't. Seems the program did for some reason of which I am unaware. No idea why. Like I said, I'm used to Sibelius so I've just been doing what I know from that. This program obviously has quite a few odd behaviors I'm not yet used to.
How'd you get rid of the rests by the way? I haven't figured that out yet even after forum searches. Answers seem unclear to me.
In reply to I didn't. Seems the program… by chrisrichard0
Never mind again. Figured out the rests too. Now to figure out what causes them and how to avoid it in the future.
In reply to Never mind again. Figured… by chrisrichard0
If you're having a different problem ("figure out what causes them [the rests] and how to avoid it"), you should open a new thread.
In reply to If you're having a different… by TheHutch
Thanks, but as with both other things I brought up here I'm pretty sure I'll figure it out eventually. No need for a new thread yet.
Never mind I found the control is in the Alt key to release it.