Suddenly can't edit individual notes?

• Nov 17, 2024 - 22:44

I'm sure this isn't a bug but simply my own lack of experience with this software. I'm an experienced user of Sibelius from many years back so I've been able to figure out quite a bit in just a few days. Suddenly, after doing a bit of copying and pasting entire measures of drum tracks, I can't select a single beat anymore. Using mouse selection will only select the first beat of any measure. Arrow keys skip everything but the first beat as well.

What did I trigger and how do I get back to editing individual beats? Thanks in advance!


In reply to by chrisrichard0

BTW, I didn't mean to imply that I think the copying and pasting caused this. It's the only thing I did start doing that I can recall that MAY have contributed to the issue. I doubt it but I've seen much stranger correlated events.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I didn't. Seems the program did for some reason of which I am unaware. No idea why. Like I said, I'm used to Sibelius so I've just been doing what I know from that. This program obviously has quite a few odd behaviors I'm not yet used to.

How'd you get rid of the rests by the way? I haven't figured that out yet even after forum searches. Answers seem unclear to me.

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