Multiple time signatures

• Dec 15, 2024 - 16:15

Multiple time signatures can be applied together to refer to a whole piece, a single bar, or a section of music; and are in common use.

For example notating two or more time signatures together:

(i) Avoids clutter in a score or part where there are regular changes between specific times.
(ii) Is used to indicate where different parts are playing different meters against each other at the same time and there is no one time signature that applies to all parts.

Multiple time signatures may be notated like the examples attached (which were not created in MuseScore).
A - If time signatures alternate regularly
B - If the alternation is not consistent

In the example score attached, I had to create a display time signature of 63/42 tied to 3/2, but it would have been better notated using one of the other examples provided.

Attachment Size
A.jpg 4.71 KB
B.jpg 4.95 KB
Revecy Venir du Printemps.mscz 38.3 KB


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