Prevent measure duration from automatically extending

• Dec 16, 2024 - 02:17

I ran into the problem discussed in the thread named Prevent measure duration from automatically extending. I finally determined that I got there by via trying to use CMD +i (Mac) to italicize some text.

I finally learned about the various note input modes reached via the pencil icon on the toolbar in MuseScore 4.

Because the CMD+ i (CTRL+ i) command is so common in other software to generate italics, I recommend using a more complex combination of keystrokes to trigger the relatively unknown (and less used) measure extending mode.


I assume you mean "Insert" mode.
" I recommend using a more complex combination of keystrokes to trigger the relatively unknown (and less used) measure extending mode."
Well, you can customize it, redefine it to your liking (or clear it, if you prefer, since it's already accessible via the toolbar/pencil icon) in menu Editions / Preferences / Shortcuts.

Having said that, I support your request, as there have already been several other cases where users on this forum have wondered how they were switched to Insert mode, apparently without meaning to.


In reply to by cadiz1

Yes, thanks. I did mean the insert mode you illustrated. It took a long time to figure out and undo what I had accidentally done. I saw the questions of other users on this subject. There are no doubt even more users who had the problem but didn't post about it.

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