New pt-br translation

• Oct 6, 2009 - 14:21

Attached the new translation to Brazilian Portuguese.

Attachment Size
mscore_pt_BR.ts 248.59 KB


In reply to by ..vitor..

Hi vitor,

Just create a post in the pt-br forum and once it is finished, I can promote it on the front page. Just leave a message in this topic when you're ready.

In reply to by Thomas


I'll create the post. But before that, I need your help here.
I translated the program using the latest mscore_pt_BR.ts file in the repository, but now I noticed that this file is diferent from the last mscore_en_US.ts in the repository.
I'll update the translation, but I've installed the latest prerelease for Windows and the mscore_en_US.ts in Windows instalation is diferent too.
Which file I must use to update pt-br translation?

In reply to by ..vitor..

When you decide to update the pt-BR translation, you should always download the latest version of the repository and remove your local copy. While new features are added, new strings are added as well and these propagate into the ts files in the repository. So you could check these ts files now and then, and check whether the file is different from your local copy.
I hope this answers your question.

For the future, we will setup a centralized translation server at which will streamline the process of updating your translation (collaboratively). No more playing around with ts files.

In reply to by ..vitor..

Hi Vitor,

Can you download your most recent ts file from your comment to this post, open it in QT linguist and release it as .qm file (File -> Release as ...). Store the resulting qm file in your MuseScore directory under the sub dir /locale.
(Re)start you MuseScore and check the strings which were in English. If they still are, than the ts file needs more work. If not, than something must have changed on the repository.

In reply to by ..vitor..

Vitor, is it all the menu items that are still in English or just some of them. If you mean the latter then It is likely that it is just because they have changed since the last prerelease (use a nightly build if you want to check with the very latest).

Also check that there is no custom file for the palette (instructions for finding the custom file are here and elsewhere on the forum). If the file exists then you need to delete it. If the file does not exist then it means that you really didn't edit the palette.

In reply to by David Bolton

Attached the updated pt-br translation.
As I said, the menus are all in portuguese now. The accidental palette is corrected too. The problem was the new strings that had not been translated. But the problem with Articulations/Ornaments palette persists. The names of the items are all in english and there is no more strings to translate in the ts file. The same symbols are all translated in Symbol dialog. For example, "ufermata" is "fermata superior", "dfermata" is "fermata inferior", "thumb" is "polegar" in the Simbol dialog, but in the palette they are still "ufermata", "dfermata" and "thumb".
David, while I was translating, all the ts files was updated in the repository, so the file I was working on became out-of-date.

Attachment Size
mscore_pt_BR.ts 254.69 KB

In reply to by Thomas

Hi all!

I tried to translate some items of chord name list and now I noticed that this does not work. It works only in the Harmony properties dialog where the chord names appear translated, but the result is the original chord name. For example, in ‘extension’ I see ‘7M’, but the result is ‘Maj7’. Is it possible to translate the chord names?
We use chord names that are different from the names used in English.

In reply to by Thomas

Updating pt-br translation...
I still have that old problem. The names in some pallets (Articulations/Ornaments, Accidental, Symbol, Note head and Symbols Dialog) are not translated.

In reply to by ..vitor..

It is still possible to do it the old way for now. I'll have to do it manually (convert ts to po and import the po file).

In the future, import will be possible on the translation server as well, but most likely with another format, i.e. po, instead of ts. po files can be translated with various software such as poedit or GTeD.

In reply to by Thomas

Just to keep you informed.
I'm testing the beta release and I noticed that our old problem persists.
The names in some pallets in left panel (Notehead, Accidental and Articulations and Ornaments) appear still untranslated in ptbr interface, although I have translated all of them. All other left panel pallets and the Symbol pallet (z) are ok.
Tested in Windows.
Another thing.
I don't understand exactly the meanings of "System Flag" in SymbolDialogBase and TextPropertiesBase contexts, and "Timewise Delete" in action context.
I found a "System Flag" in the Symbols dialog and I think it belongs to SymbolDialogBase, but I can’t find the other "System Flag" and the "Timewise Delete".
Could you help me?

In reply to by ..vitor..


Another problem similar to that old problem.
Open MuseScore in pt-br interface
Open 'Criar > Articulações & Ornamentos'
Pass the mouse over the items and you will see that the floating names are not translated.
These are the same symbols in the side panel pallet. In the side panel they are ok.
I'm using Nightly 2952 on WXP

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