
• Mar 27, 2010 - 02:06

I'm new to this... I'm writing up some percussion stuff and need to have a triangle roll across a few measures. I entered the notes and ties alright, but the closest thing to some sort of drumroll notation that I can find is the tremolo section on the palette. I've tried clicking and dragging them but they won't 'take'. Also poked around the forums and handbook but haven't seen anything relevant yet...


In reply to by teblack

Note that notes also appear red if they are out of the typical range for the instrument.

Not sure why the tremolos aren't working for you. Be sure to mention the operating system, MuseScore version. Also it might be helpful to attach the score you are having trouble with.

I have had the same problem. Try different ones. Some of them work with the notes, while other don't. Just try to use one of the other ones.

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