Can't Edit The Text Style on My Score

• Mar 12, 2015 - 20:11

I need help with one of my scores, I wrote out all the music and everything but when I go to Style→ Edit Text Style, I try to change all of my dynamic markings, tuplets, chord names, page numbers, and all that to a different text, but when I did all that, I hit apply, and then ok and nothing changed. Can any of you help me with this? By the way, I want to change everything to the Chiller Text.


The usual questions...
What version of MuseScore, what OS, can you share the score.

If 1.3, have a go at 2.0, for which a Release Candidate will be published any minute now

In 1.3, text style doens't affect existing elements - only elements yet to be created. Well, except a couple of styles that generated on the fly, like chord symbols and measure numbers.

In 2.0, text style changes do affect existing text.

In reply to by Matthew Pehala

Not at all. You can change existing elements by right clicking one, choosing Text Properties, and making your changes there, and clicking the "Apply to all" button.

And in any event, even if this weren't possible, it wouldn't have required rewriting the whole score, just re-entering the text.

In reply to by Matthew Pehala

You are using 1.3, I take it? Can you attach the score you are having problems with, and the specific step by step instructions to rewproduce the problem? Should be just as simple as I just described. but not iwt doesn't apply to *all* text, just all text of the same type. So, applying to staff text only applies to other staff text.

Yes, MuseScore offers a "jazz" font, called MuseJazz. It's the default for all text if you use one of the "jazz" templates - Jazz Lead Sheet, Jazz Combo, or Jazz Big Band. You can also load the musejazz.mss style (Style / Load Style) to automatically set all text styles to use this.

For chord symbols specifically, simply changing the text style works. but MuseScore provides more specific chord symbol rendering that this - it can do superscripting, automatic display of triangles and half diminished symbols, etc. See Chord name in the Handbook. And in general, if you are doing jazz charts, see the tutorials on doing lead sheets (see Tutorials link in menu t right of this page) for lots more useful information.

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