Voices automatic separation (expanding)

• Aug 12, 2015 - 17:52

Hi, gang!!!

I don't know if there is something I missed here, but... I don't find any way to separate voices (more than one melodic line) from a staff which doesn't have "voices" (the way MuseScore understands it).

I mean: think about an staff typical written to a chorus, with the Soprano and Alto voices on the "G" clef and the Tenor and Bass on the "F" clef. There are not declared "voices", there are just notes, four melodic lines, all with the same rhythmic line, so all notes are "voice 1". How can I tell MuseScore to separate it into 4 different staves? ???

I tried with the tool "Explode" but MuseScore didn't work as I expected (for a rare reason, some notes were missed after the "exploding").

So, if it can not be possible today, Why not to add this capability? ???

Greetings & Blessings!!!!!!!



From what you describe, Explode *is* the right tool. If you are having problems with it, please post the specific score you are having problems with and describe precisely what you are trying to do, how you are trying to do it, what you expect to see happen, and what happens instead.

In reply to by jotape1960

It's possible to explod voices as well, not completely automatic, but much better than not eby note. Mostly just a matter of using copy/paste to duplicate the passage on the desired staves, voice exchange (Edit / Voice) to get the desired part for each staff to voice 1, and then either the Selection Filter or right click / Select / More / Same voice to delete the contents of unneeded voices. The details depend on what you are starting out with and what specifically you want to do.

But note, MIDI has no concept of voices. If the score has voices on import into MuseScore, that is because MuseScore attempted to separate it out that way. To disable that, you can set the maximum number of voices to 1 in the import filter and apply that change.

But realistically, MIDI is just not a good way of importing information into MuseScore. It's fine as a last resort, but you cannot expect miracles. It just was not designed for that purpose and contains far too little information for MuseScore to be able to work with as well as it could an actual notation format.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I tried your idea, but I found some mistakes, from the MIDI file, not MuseScore. So, I will re-write "from the scratch" all the piece (according to the original score, which I will get, soon).

Whatever, thank a lot for your help!!!!!!!

Greetings & Blessings from Chile!!!!!!!


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