Repeating three times not working?

• Jan 30, 2016 - 19:03

So, I have a section that repeats four times. Three of those go to a "first ending" and the last goes to a "second ending." The problem is, every time it plays the measures, it will repeat four times; however, the second time it's repeating it will go to the "Second ending" WHILE STILL REPEATING. This makes everything sound like a jumbled mess and even when I went to volta properties and selected that the "first ending" be played the first, second and third times, and the second volta only played the fourth, it still has this problem. Help please.


I've got a similar problem. I want to repeat a few measures, followed by a different measure at the end of each repetition. When I write this down as in the example file attached, measure 4 is repeated once too many; measure order played is 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6; I expected to get 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 5, 6. What did I do wrong?

Attachment Size
test.mscz 4.36 KB

In reply to by hefvogt

You need to set the reopeat list in Volta Properties for each of these to "1", because each volta is played the first time *that particular repeat* is taken. It's weird and confusing, and really makes no sense at all until you consider the possibility for more unusual layouts like a first volta that should be taken the first and third time, a second volta that should be taken the second and fourth times.

I have another repeat problem for a choir: sopranos sing part 1, 2 and 3, basses sing part 2 and 3 and altos only sing their part 3 (see example). How can I make correct measure repeating instructions?

Attachment Size
choir_example.mscz 8.13 KB

In reply to by hefvogt

Copying measures is easy and quick:

Click on a blank part of the first measure you want to copy, hold down SHIFT, and push the → (Right Arrow) until you get to the last measure you want to copy. All the measures between where you started and stopped will be highlighted in a blue box. (If you have multiple staves, select them all by holding down CTL and pushing the ↓ (Down arrow).

Now type CTL+C. This copies all those measures to the clipboard. You can now create the required number of blank measures using ADD>Measures>Insert Measures.... and paste the contents of the clipboard into them by typing CTL+V.

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