Crotchet or Quaver Grace Note?

• Sep 21, 2011 - 12:51

In 1.1, there is a grace note called 'crotchet grace note', but in the 2.0 nightly build (4810), the same image is called 'Grace: quarter'.

What is correct?


In reply to by xavierjazz

Ya, don't forget about us!

I can never remember the non-North American method of note/rest naming. I remember the movie "Close Encounters" when the ship comes down and the scientists are playing the keyboard to communicate with the aliens. All those quavers, semi-quavers... we are not taught that terminology over here.

In reply to by xavierjazz

I misread them, rather.

I had wondered "that looks like a crotchet, but it says quaver. Maybe it's designed like that so it doesn't look like an appoggiatura.", when it actually said quarter - equating to a crotchet.

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