Musescore Midi Note entry not sounding multiple notes

• Oct 27, 2011 - 07:33

Musescore on Ubuntu 11.10 regonises all notes played on midi keyboard (M-Audio KeyRig 49) but will not sound them in the program as when playing a 4 note harmony only two notes can be heard when playing into musecore.
Is this normal or is there some setting or configuration I can use for my midi keyboard to sound fully as works perfectly on windows with an edition of sibelius student. Thanks.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thanks for the fast reply, good to know that there is not a problem with musescore and my keyboard and that the feature will be included in musescore 2. Just wondering when musescore 2 will be released? as it would be great to have this feature in an opensource music notation software. Thanks again for the reply and answering my issue.

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