Play repeats

• Apr 3, 2016 - 10:58

My score will not playback repeats. Despite clicking the "play repeats" button, this always greys out as soon as playback begins, and the score plays without repeats. I have checked the bar preferences on one of the repeat bars and the number of repeats is set to 2, but this option too is greyed out and cannot be changed.


In reply to by Ken Edwards

There are no repeat barlines in that score.
There are only normal barlines of which the appearance has been altered to look like a double repeat barline.

If you drag-n-drop a real repeat barline from the repeat barlines pallette onto your score all works as expected.

In reply to by Ken Edwards

If you don't mind me asking, where in the program did you find those 'fake' repeat barlines? I ask because I am currently working on revising one of the Handbook pages that describes using some of the 'non-active' graphic symbols available. It would be useful for me to know how you might have been led astray.

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

Isaac is entirely right - I saw the barline styles in the Inspector panel and thought that was the way to enter repeats. A bit odd to have the facility to set up a repeat barline that doesn't repeat in playback!

I'm new to Musescore (migrated from Sibelius, mainly because of the extreme difficulty now in getting help and advice from there) and have been kind of winging it.

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