Loading a style file via command line with "-S" ?

• Mar 28, 2015 - 07:51

Can anyone confirm that this is currently working? I'm trying to batch convert .mid files, and nothing I do seems to get the -S command line argument to work. I'm using -o to specify an output, I'm using midi import options with -M, but -S never affects the output. The style files are just XML, same as you get when you do Style -> Save Style.


I'm also having this issue.

I'm just converting one midi file into a .png

specifically, I'm trying to hide the instrument names (would be interested in any other approach too)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

oh good idea -
i tried it and it looks like the load style and save style doesn't appear to be working in the GUI app either.

i have a wealth of Bach midis, i've tried with multiple ones, here's one that i just tried - and the style .mss file was made by saving it from musescore directly

the result should make the text large (50pt) and white colored.

Attachment Size
styleLargeText.mss 21.63 KB
Bwv772 Invention n01.mid 5.13 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

More info:

musescore loads and processes the style .mss files, but it appears to ignore the "TextStyle"

for example one command that does work is "staffDistance"

i've been trimming .mss files and trying out just the commands i need.

a final test I just did was I moved the "TextStyle" commands to the top, and other commands to the bottom, and it still processed the other commands, so it's not a problem of failing and quitting the file, it's skipping over the TextStyle commands, or having some kind of problem with them

Attachment Size
styleTrimmed.mss 915 bytes

In reply to by jeetee

oh great! thanks Johan.

can you confirm one thing with me - because what I really want to do is remove the instrument names text from the final image of a command line midi to png conversion like: mscore music_trim.mid -o picture.png

is there no explicit way of doing this?

the hack i'm attempting is to just turn it white, as is the background, and crop it out.

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