need help replicating a measure

• Jan 31, 2012 - 01:04

Hi, i'm new and just want to test musescore by replicating a measure of this piece, but i'm having trouble. Can someone please help by showing me how it's done? thank you

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Untitled.jpg 75.66 KB


thanks for the help, these were two things i didn't know about.

sorry i'm very new to reading music, so i don't know all the rules, but what it is i'm having trouble with is putting all the quavers in the measure. i can't put these two rests symbols at the beginning followed by two quavers, and then 2x3 quavers. it seems i'm limited to only 2x2 quavers before moving to the next measure. thanks

In reply to by vantz

In a 3/4 measure there is not enough space for 2 rests (of whatever size) plus 2 quavers plus 6 quavers, in a 3/4 measure these is only space for a maximum of 6 quavers (without any rest)

You need 3 voices, voice 1 (stems up), 2 and 4 (stems down).
Furthermore you need triplets in voice 1 and 4.
And you need to adjust the notes in voice 4 and move them slightly to the right plis flip their stems (at least the crotchets)

See attached

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Sample.mscz 1.94 KB

In reply to by vantz

I agree with Marc Sabatella : want to respect that writing is a bad idea ...
The good and simple way ( and respects the rules of musical composition - French anyway ) is this ( see attached file ).
For the lower staff, a time signature (3/4), different from the upper staff should be possible in the future version of MuseScore. For now the 9/8 does not change the rate of this staff ( 3 times - but see later ).

NB. To align the head note :
1 - double click on the note head
3 - move with the arrow keys

Attachment Size
Good way.mscz 1.73 KB

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