Trouble using master pallet

• Jul 26, 2016 - 16:27

I have been using Musescore 1 for quite a while and like it. However, I now downloaded Musescore 2 and I can't get it to work. I can't get items from the Master Pallet (like tremolos) to appear on the page. I select the note I want it to attach to, and I double-click on the tremolo and nothing happens.


Click and drag the element to the note.

Please note that many of the additional elements in the Master Palette are graphic symbols only; they are not active in the same way as elements in the standard palettes are.

In reply to by waynefox

It can be a bit tricky to 'drop' the element in a place where it will be visible because often the Master Palette itself (which takes up a lot of screen real-estate) is in the way. If you're see the anchor dot and dashed line appear as you approach a note or staff, but don't see the element after you release the mouse button, grab the palette by the top bar and move it as much out of the way as you can, then try again when you can see what you're doing.

It would help if you specified which version of MuseScore 2 you downloaded and which operating system you are running in your computer. If you could post the score you're having trouble with, that would be helpful to diagnosing the problem as well.

First, you should be needing the master palette just to access tremolos - these are on the standard palette. Or, at least, they are if you are in the Advanced workspace (see control at bottom of the palette window).

That said, the master palette should work as well - both drag (harder; you have to be careful to drop when the target note is highlighted) or double click (easier). Do be sure to use the actual Tremolo section, not the tremolo symbol from the Symbols section. The latter will work in that the symbol appears, but with no specific semantics regarding placement or playback.

if you continue to have trouble, indeed, please attach the specifc score you are having trouble with and precise steps to reproduce the problem.

In reply to by waynefox

Here you go.


You should not need to use the master palette for this; click on 'advanced workspaces' at the bottom of the principal F9 palette list and then click on 'Tremolo'. Select the note, then double click one of the stemmed tremolo icons and it will appear above that note even if it's a stemless note. The other icons in that palette menu are for placing tremolo between notes; if you try to place one above a note it won't work.

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