Strange sign when creating new file with a Pickup Measure

• Aug 31, 2016 - 13:14

I'm testing the Nightly version - 83d7d0c

When creating a brand new file, with a Pickup Measure selected, the result is in the attachment.

In the file, a small blue block is visible, and also printed. My question is: is this 'by design', and, if yes, what is the function of this small blue block?
if not, can you fix it ;-)


The Netherlands

Attachment Size
File with pickup measure.mscz 4.48 KB


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

@lasconic, that's interesting! Perhaps this symbol should move to indicate whether beats are missing from the beginning or end of the measure. A call to Measure::isAnacrusis() would do it.

Perhaps clicking on the symbol should also toggle Measure::isAnacrusis() by setting the measure as irregular (excluded from measure count). This would ensure the correct note and rest groupings, the correct series of metronome clicks during playback or real-time entry, and eventually the correct beaming too.

In reply to by cadiz1

This appears to be an example of a discrepancy between MuseScore's code and the UI. In the code, an "irregular" measure is one that is excluded from the measure count, which is completely independent of whether the measure has more or fewer beats than indicated by the time signature. My preference would be to change the code to match the UI.

In reply to by cadiz1

Thanks a lot, cadiz1!

This was what i was looking for ;-)

I'm new with MuseScore, and the line 'Mark irregular measures' was not translated to my Dutch language ;-)

But: it's still strange the 'small' block on the screen is printed 'so big' (see my examples).. ;-)

Thanks again


In reply to by AndreasKågedal

I think it is just being drawn incorrectly - extending to the right of the barline rather than to the left, and the wrong size. Make this the last measure of a system and you can see this more clearly - the marking extends into the margin. Of course, it shouldn't be drawn at all when printing.

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