Question about Lyric Entry

• Apr 14, 2012 - 19:54


Entering music and lyrics to a new song. Have the fields for the lyrics sort of entering higher and lower instead of in line with one another on (just below) the staff. It seems that after messing with this, the tendency is to have a lyric entry go lower in position than the proceeding lyric field. Is there a keystroke or a menu feature to align lyric words, please?



I'm not understanding. Could you be more specific about what you mean? Lyrics are *already* aligned, if you enter them on the same verse. Perhaps you have been inadvertently switching verses?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi, Marc. Thanks for chiming in. :-)

I go about entering some notes. Then, I go back to enter the lyrics for those notes. The 1st note seems to put the lyric about where it needs to. I would expect the same result for the 2nd lyric entry and so on. However, the 2nd lyric entry is slightly lower than the 1st. The necessitates moving the fields (boxes) of lyrics around to line them up horizonallty.

So, even if I accidentally moved a lyric and needed to line them back does one go about lining up the lyric boxes horizontally?


In reply to by shdawson

It's important not o hit Enter at any point while ebtering lyrics.

If you do MuseScore interprets that as you moving to a subsequent verse.

In order to line up your lyrics again, double click each lyric and ensure there is no CR at the end of it. If there is use backspace or delete to remove it.

It wouild be a good idea if we could have an option to make these hidden characters visible, like you can in Word.

EDIT: Inadvertent entry of voice instead of verse corrected.

In reply to by shdawson

Posting a score and specific steps you are following would help. But on the face of it, I'd say you are doing something wrong. If you enter a lyric for a given note then hit space to move to the next note, it should display at exactly the same horizontal position as the first, and ditto for the next and the next after that, etc. At no time will an lyric syllable ever *not* be at the same level unless you leave lyric entry mode and actually drag a syllable *out* of its natural position - in which case, you can return it to its original correct position via Ctrl-R.

If you are finding that the lyric you are entering for the second note is not at *precisely* the same horizontal position as the one you entered for the first, as I said, it seems you must be doing something wrong. So a sample score and the *exact* steps you are following would help us figure out what.

Talking of lyric entry, I think there's been a little regression between 1.1 and 1.2 - minor though.

1. Open attached score.
2. Click on first note.
3. 'Lyrics'.
4. Enter something.
5. Press 'right' on keyboard.
6. Enter something.

Expected result: Pressing directional key should focus on lyric for the next note.
Actual result: It moves the lyric itself.

Workaround: Use spacebar to move to another note when entering lyrics.

Using MuseScore 1.2 - Mac 10.7.3.

Attachment Size
Lyric Regression.mscz 1.35 KB

In reply to by chen lung

That wasn't a regression - it was a requested feature to be able to nudge lyrics like you can other text elements. See Using space to move to next syllable isn't a "workaround"; it's the way you've always been supposed to do it in the first place. However, it does turn out there is a case where space doesn't work - when using IME multibyte character input. That much is mentioned as a regression in the thread mentioned above and is being discussed in another thread referenced there.

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