Beam Properties

• Apr 3, 2017 - 07:27

When I try to beam notes in a measure together, the beam extends across the bar to other measures.
Any Suggestions? Thank you.

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Trio Impromptu.mscz 10.57 KB


Don't use the 'Beam either side' Icon on the entire selection, but measure by measure, or use the 'Auto' beam icon on every measure's 1st note

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

If you use the middle beam, it will connect to the note on both sides. If you want a note to not connect to the one before, use the start beam (only has a beam on the right.)

I use 1 of 3 processes to do this:

1. Select a bunch of measures and apply middle beam. then shift click to select the first note in those measure then apply the start beam.
2. In each measure select everything but the fits note and apply middle beam to each, have to do this in each measure.
3. Press shift-T to open the time signatures, create a new time signature (even if it already exists), change the beams there. Drag the time signature from the time signature dialog box to the first applicable measure for each instrument with beam problems and all subsequent measures for that instrument will have those beams.

First, though, do you know how you got into this situation? Normally notes would be beamed in 3/4 automatically. So presumably you changed something, or maybe imported this form another program that did it this way?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

With 2/4 and 6/8 no problem but in 3/4, the program wants to beam over the bar. I'm copying this segment from a score which has the notes beamed (each measure separately). I didn't do anything weird but it comes out that way. I know that usually in 3/4, the notes are traditionally beamed as 2 eighth notes X 3 but it's easier to read with them all beamed within a measure. I'm assuming there's no solution?

Attachment Size
Trio Impromptu.mscz 10.53 KB

In reply to by spojaw

My solution 1 has basically been started. In the beam properties palette the one with the flag to the right only is the start beam. click the first note of a measure then double click that beam to separate the measures. If you want to select multiple measures, click the first note of one measure then ctrl-click the first note in each of the other measures then double click the beam you want. The tool tip calls it beam start.

In reply to by mike320

What I'm trying to do is beam all the eighth notes in each measure without beaming across the bar.
When I click on the first note, works fine, but when I go to the next measure and click on the first note then double click on "beam middle" it automatically beams across the bar. (measure 6) Not sure why or how to fix.
Tried this in measure 8 and nothing happens.

Attachment Size
Trio Impromptu2.mscz 9.13 KB

In reply to by spojaw

If you click the first note of a bar and then apply "Beam Middle",. MuseScore takes you at your word and makes that the middle of the beam - meaning it will connect to a beamed note in the previous bar if possible. So it is just doing what you are asking. If you don't want to beam across the bar, then don't apply Beam Middle to the first note of the measure - simple as that.

If you want the first note of the measure to *start* the beam, but the rest to be the middle, then simply select *all but the first note* and apply the beam middle.

So the first thing I'd do to fix this is to set everything back to the default - select all, double click the Auto beam. Then start the process over, measure by measure, apply "Beam Middle" to all *but* the first note.

In reply to by spojaw

To be clear - MuseScore definitely does *not* beam over the bar by default, regardless of time signature. it only does if you specifically ask it to, by selecting the first note of the measure and setting it to Beam Middle.

In the score you attached, you definitely did something to cause the beaming to come out the way it is. Try deleting the notes in any measure then re-entering them and you'll see - they come out beamed in pairs by default just as they should.

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