Reduce vertical size of Musescore desktop.

• Apr 16, 2017 - 16:14

Musescore always opens fully filling the monitor screen, regardless of whether it is set as full size or adjustable size

This is a problem for me as I cannot grab the lowest part of the desktop and make the view a bit smaller vertically. When I try to slightly raise the whole window it snaps back and automatically goes to full size.

While this is a small problem for most, I am sure, for me it is a problem as I have the access to my screen capture app down there and MuseScore is the only program that blocks me from accessing it.

I mainly use this program to try and capture pics OF MuseScore, so it is doubly frustrating.

Any suggestions as to how I can change this behaviour?



Hmm, that shouldn't be. It normally remembers its size. The exception is if you do exit in full screen mode on some OS's, in that case for some reaosn it opens up the default size (which isn't full screen). But any other explicitly-set size, it should remember form one invocation to the next. Anything unusual about how you have installed it, or anything unusual about your user account (permissions issue, etc)?

Here's a possibility:
You wrote:
When I try to slightly raise the whole window it snaps back and automatically goes to full size.

In Windows 10, there is a windows management technique called 'Snap' which automatically maximizes when a windows edge is dragged near the bottom (or top) of the desktop.

It can be tweaked/disabled so one can view the MuseScore window a bit smaller without it 'snapping back' to full size.


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