Load style doesn't immediately work on Chord Names.

• Apr 21, 2017 - 16:52


When standardizing older charts, I apply the new style.

Many things change to reflect this.

However there is a strange behaviour with chord names.

They either don't change or they only change the font, not the size and position.

The work around is to go to style, select chord names change the font size manually (which shows the new, required size) and apply it. The names suddenly to the new size and move to the proper position. Then I have to change the chord size again to get it to the required size.


I think the position is being handled differently.

If I am going to do something like this on an old note, I'm doing the following:

1. I choose and apply the new style. (mss)
2. I choose the new chord style file (xml) and apply it.
3. Right-click any chord in the score and click "Select all similar elements .."
4. F8 "inspector"
5. Click "Reset text to style".
7. (in inspector) "horizontal offset": up, down. (+0.5 > 0.0)
8. (in inspector) "vertical offset": up, down. (same)

Yes, it may seem like a robotic work, but it is my bulletproof system.

Should also work to right click one chord symbol, Select / All Similar Elements, then hit "Reset Text to Style". Unfortunately it is a known limitation that text elements do not respond right away to changes in a loaded style.

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