How to delete a rest?

• Dec 25, 2017 - 14:12

Morning... brand newbie here and I've started my journey trying to annotate a song in 12/8 with a pickup before measure 1. After much frustration, reading, clicking, deleting, I've managed to get the pickup measure in as I wanted it. Now here's the problem... I have an 1/8 rest pretty much floating around the staff. I can drag and drop it completely off and measure. It's like it's not connected to the score but I just can not figure out how to delete it! ARGH!! Can someone help? I've uploaded what I have.... You'll see the villain just below the Alto Sax part. TIA

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Tennessee Whiskey.mscz 13 KB


select the rest and hit Ctrl+R, and you'll see it belongs to the 1st measure in top staff. I guess you really what a 3/8th pickup measure and not a 1/2

In reply to by cadiz1

Ok, I did load the new file and it looks great. I'm sorta surprised tho, that you can't designate a measure as a pickup and just put in what you want. Surprised that you have to fool around with the time signature and all. Do I have that right? Gotta play with the time?? And, thanks! Still not sure how you got rid of the rest, tho... sigh... learning curves suck.

In reply to by sally251251

Welcome aboard!

You wrote:
Never did get that Ctrl R to work but moving on!
Please, don't move on...
The Ctrl+R key combination is a very powerful way to reset selected score elements. It will come in handy in the future - not only to reset a single errant rest (as in your case), but it can be applied to selected ranges of score elements, up to resetting an entire score.

So... If Ctrl+R doesn't work for you, perhaps you are on a Mac.
In that case, instead of the Ctrl key you would use the Cmd key, or the Mac key that looks like this: ⌘


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks for the feedback... I am on a PC and while the Ctrl R didn't do exactly what I'd hope for, it did make stuff move around and I've been trying it here and there on other stuff with varying degrees of success. It's good to know it can bail you out of stuff.... right now "Undo" is my go to command... soon, soon... I will be over this infernal getting-to-know-you phase. I hope.

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