Add video/audio editing in Musescore Software

• Feb 17, 2018 - 00:13

I tried to add a youtube video and sync the measures to the to the playback, but when I pause the playback and start it again, no matter where, it won't load again, but replay the 1st second over and over, till i reloaded the page.
As this is a nice feature, i wondered, if this would be implemented in the musescore program, to upload it, with the score


You should be able to do this (sync to YouTube) using the facilities on You can also use any standard video editing program on your computer to create your own video from the playback. No need to slow down the development of music notation for all by adding features already found elsewhere :-)

In reply to by Allthetones

hmm...This is an interesting point. My thoughts are maybe that's videoscore editing could be improved a bit...I also experience playback glitches while editing online. I raised my concern on the improvidng forum:

Of course the desktop program could hypothetically get new code to do the editing too, but that would be extra code to maintain, which would be duplicating same functionality as online, so I don't think that is the best.

In reply to by ericfontainejazz

Of course. Every bit of code means maintainance. But I also consider, that the code for the editing has writen already. Probably in Java, and I don't know in what language musescore has been written in. The thing is, any editing in the browser would request a stable and merely fast internet connection, to stream the video, and playback the score. Offline editing would deffinatley have some advantages.

In reply to by Allthetones

So first off MuseScore is almost all in C++. But anyway then the musescore desktop program would have to deal with the same types of glitches with syncing the youtube playback while editing, and that is a ton of network code to add.

Now I could imagine MuseScore desktop might be able to support a purely offline mode of editing, and I'll admit I'd find that useful for an offline use case with an audiofile already on your computer. But if it is a youtube video then that is online anyway, so it seems better off to leave that to

I actually think there are a few things that could be done to improve the online syncing. For about having the entire audio from the youtube to be downloaded into the browser with the waveform, which would avoid all these little hangs and stuff I experience while resuming playback. I think a lot of the glitchiness has to do with page having to tell you tube to jump to a new location for resuming playback, and that means that have to wait for round trip communication to youtube plus the buffering latency (as well as I think youtube trying to insert ADs and other unecessary stuff).

In reply to by ericfontainejazz

How about caching audio only from youtube, in temporary directory? Could be displayed as a waveform in musescore as in the browser. This would be enough to set the measures. Then the data could be uploaded with the score and the video/audio retrieved by youtube f.e as already implemented on Just a suggestion. I don't want to push anything.

In reply to by Allthetones

So this is not that bad of a suggestion, since it would avoid a lot of networking code.

I should note there is already a way to display a waveform inside have to run musescore from command line with "-e" option, and then you can manage media sources, load an .ogg file, and then in piano roll editor can press the "wave" button to view. It's a bit hidden from end user, but I could easily see it be improved, and then could incorporate youtube audio

And musescore wouldn't have to write new youtube download-to-audio code, since there are already programs to do that (I use quite a bit).

In reply to by ericfontainejazz

Cool. Thanks for your tip with the waveform. I didn't know that.
Youtube-dl is a nice program with powerful features, once one found a usefull documentation😃. I use it too.
Today I finished the notation and upload of the 'nutcracker by pletnev', and I'm very happy, to be able to work with your guys' software. Musescore is a precious peace of code. Just perfect for it's purpose. Keep up the good work👍

In reply to by Allthetones

It seems youtube-dl's dependencies are a bit to big to include in musescore...primarily it needs python and ffmpeg. So maybe it doesn't make sense to include youtube-dl in musescore. BUT still there could be a way to have musescore easily interface with youtube-dl by running a youtube-dl command if it is installed.

Also I suppose all the marker data in addition to the youtube url would need to be stored somewhere, maybe in the musescore file itself.

In reply to by ericfontainejazz

Yes, why not. If there would be an option in musescore to manage the markers with waveforms, it could provide a dialog that youtube-dl & ffmpeg has to be installed. I just dont now how automatically this could do, as there are sometimes issues with the different distros. On the other hand, it could then give out an error that prompts the user to install manually. The marker data can be stored in the file itself, which would not be a lot of extra memory.

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