How to syncronize?

• Mar 23, 2018 - 11:41

Dear Friends,
Sorry for disturbing again.
I can not find out how to syncronize musescore with an other studio application (Cubase).
I tried out all combinations in the settings menu and it does not work at all.
Can anybody help?


It's not clear exactly what you are trying to do, but in general, JACK is the program to install to allow different programs to communicate in this way. Once you have installed JACK, you configure MsueScore to use it in Edit / Preferences / I/O.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for your answer! Unfortunatelly my knowledge is rather insufficient. I can only install programs, or plugins at most. I do not know detailed programming and similar ones. And I do not know what OSC is and how to use it to musescore. Can I download and install it from somewhere?

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