Toggle above/below in chord building

• Mar 25, 2018 - 03:51

It would seem appropriate to allow a toggling between above and below the currently selected note regarding the "add note [A...G] to chord" and "insert [interval]" functions/shortcuts. For instance, Musescore could include a toggle button triggered by mouse and/or a keyboard shortcut. This would also be effective regarding the interval shortcuts: instead of having "above and below" shortcuts only, have a neutral "apply [interval]", and then depending on the toggle's status, the insertion would be applied above or below. A user could then "toggle" the switch with keyboard and be able to either use [Shift+A-G] or [alt+1-8] appropriately. This might be more comfortable and speedy for some of us regarding note input.

Maybe this has been already suggested?


The subject comes up, although different solutions are often proposed. I personally prefer simply having both commands available - one to add above, one to add below.

In reply to by mike320

Indeed. The "interval below" shortcut used to be defined by default as Shift+number, but it caused conflicts on keyboard layouts that require Shift just to get to the numbers at all (French AZERTY was one, I think). So we had no choice but to remove those by default. Future versions of MuseScore will allow different localized sets of shortcuts so hopefully we can solve this better. Meanwhile, we are in a bit more difficult position with respect to letter names because we already use - or are planning to use - most combinations. Still, I have hope we can figure something out.

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