Print to PDF and Export to PDF now both broken. Halp.

• May 22, 2018 - 00:21

As "Export to PFD" doesn't manage to actually export the correct font and looks a horrible mess, I've been using "Microsoft print to PDF" to get around the issue for yonks, however - since the last windows patch this feature has broken.
I have reinstalled the driver and it works fine in other apps, just not in any version of musescore (Yes, I tried them all). Currently it creates a 0kb file that can be seen in the "recent files" listing in explorer, but upon clicking it can't be located by windows (as it's so small it doesn't exist...)

I don't quite know what to do now - either only run standard fonts or ... err... anyone have a bid for a new workaround for me?
Maybe I can take screenshots and print the JPGs >.< So inelegant :(


In reply to by mike320

Windows 10 build 17134 - the newest. It worked before I patched it. I have the same issue on both my desktop and laptop post patch.

I usually use musescore 2.2.1, although in desperation I've also tried both dev builds tonight - none of which seem to work.

You can attempt to create the file, and windows "recent files" in explorer shows it there, but if you attempt to open it with a PDF reader or even edge or chrome, it just says the file doesn't exist. I can see it's properties(through file explorers recent page), but it does not exist on location (even with "hidden files" showing).

See picture of file properties attached.

Attachment Size
properties.png 6.29 KB

In reply to by Enira

I didn't realize I had a pending update I haven't done yet.

The 0 length file sounds like the file is created then nothing put into it. I'm not sure I want to update my widows to see if I also have the problem, we're using everything else the same.

In reply to by Enira

You have some sort of special access to Windows that allows you to get builds that us users who updated for free from windows 8 or something don't have access to. My update was surprisingly fast. I have no problems with PDF printing. I still have a 16299 build. Your version is 1803 rather than 1709.

You will likely read this while I'm asleep here in the US. I hope someone will be able to help you better. I would suggest that you try installing another PDF reader if you don't have one. They all come with their own PDF printers, perhaps one of those will be able to print for you.

In the mean time, if creating a PDF becomes critical, you can take advantage of being able to upload a .mscz file and download a PDF file from If you're a pro (paid) member of you can also download individual parts in PDF if you need to.

In reply to by Enira

Seems something went wrong creating that specific file - maybe it was locked because it was open in another process? Maybe try rebooting, and/or saving to a different filename or folder. In general, File / Export should work flawlessly for creating PDF, and is definitely going to work far better than third part PDF print utilities, which generally won't be able to access MuseScore's internal fonts.

if you continue to have trouble, please attach the actual score you are having problems with and give precise steps to reproduce the issue so we can investigate further.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Heyo Marc
I have both rebooted and re-installed the driver, as well as attempted it on another machine. It doesn't appear to be a one-off or local issue.

Export does not work flawlessly, I'll link images below:
1-printtopdf.png: The first one is how it ought to be, using the font "Bravura Text" as it's very narrow and allows for more text per line, easily managing 4 bars per line instead of a messy looking 3. This image was made using print to PDF before the windows patch.
2-exporttopfd.png: This is what it looks like using export - it does not render the font correctly.
3-example.mscz: For good measure, the line above as a musescore file, however if you don't have bravura text, it wont show correctly on your machine (for example on Mac).

So I have two issues: Export does not work, and my old workaround "print to pfd" has now also ceased working.

Attachment Size
1-printtopdf.png 5.07 KB
2-exporttopdf.png 7.34 KB
example.mscz 5.33 KB

In reply to by Enira

Hmm, I see what you mean about that File / Export when using that font in particular. For the record, it was never meant to be used in this way (for lyrics and other ordinary text) but was intended only for use in musical symbols. So probably there are certain incompatibilities between that font and the Qt rendering libraries than need to be addressed. Meanwhile, though, I'd recommend switching to a different font that was actually designed to be used for ordinary text. There are a number of "narrow" or "condensed" fonts you could try.

Anyhow, as I said, using third party print drivers has ever been supported and is known to not work correctly in any version of MuseScore. Sometimes it might happen to work in some cases, but since they lack access to our fonts, in general they can't be relied on.

Meanwhile, it's worth filing an official bug report for the issue with PDF export when using Bravura Text specifically.

In reply to by Enira

All should. I suspect the reason Bravura Text doesn't is that, as I mentioned, it was designed for something else, and probably some of the things that are special about it or that we do specially with with it to make it work for those other purposes are backfiring here. Or maybe it's the fact that this font is embedded within the application that causes the issue. Not sure. But in general, with most fonts, this really does work.

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