I changed staff distance using mouse drag and can't undo, how to get back to defaults?

• Jul 25, 2018 - 19:15

Very new user. I changed the distance between the staffs (I think that's the term) using SHIFT+left mouse click & drag and saved and closed the program (so I can't use undo). Now I would like to completely undo that change and return to the default distance between the staffs.

As far as I see the change using that drag method is not reflected in Style-->General-->Page settings, so I can't undo the change there. Of course I can use the same drag method to gestimate default distance but I would like the exact same default distance. Is there a simple way to get back to it.
Using 2.3.1


If you look at staff properties on the staff you dragged you will see the additional space is not one. Change this to one and the staff will be back to normal. To see staff properties right click the staff and choose staff properties.

In reply to by mike320

Great that solves it for me. So you are talking about "Extra distance above staff" Should it be 1 or 0. 0 seems to produce the right result for me.

There is some strange behavior, not that it matters:
--If I set it to 1, it doesn't change back to normal but still slightly bigger. But if I check staff properties again after that change, it has changed to 0, but the staff is still slightly longer.

--If I set it to 0, it does, as far as I can see, change back to normal.

It is important to note that the extra distance is per staff. That is why it is shown in staff properties and not in the style settings, which by definition affect the entire score.

The default is 0. That's why it is called "extra" distance :-). The default distance to which this "extra" amount is applied is set by "Staff distance" (or "Grand staff distance") in Style / General / Page.

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