Cannot change tab in MuseScore preferences.

• Sep 1, 2018 - 20:03

When I go to Edit -> preferences and select the 2nd tab (Canvas), the tab will only be marked with a blue outline, but I will not go to that tab page. If I press print screen to try to have a screenshot to show this forum, the tab page will be changed to the clicked one. Is this a redraw bug?


I would try to first restart MuseScore because it sounds like it has become corrupt in your computers memory. Actually restarting the computer might be more effective. If this doesn't work, then revert to factory settings under the Help menu.

In reply to by Anders Lindén

MuseScore is not unstable like you described. I at first thought restarting MuseScore might help (it might have), but after a bit more thought, I decided your operating system somehow must have decided to let MuseScore and another program use the same memory locations. Since I haven't hear of this before, I don't think it's a MuseScore bug.

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