bars per line problem

• Sep 30, 2018 - 09:48

I’m a Musescore newbie.
Is there a way I can control the number of bars for a line? When I try to add notes for a third and fourth line of bass, the bar moves over to the next page and takes the whole page width giving three bars on the first page and one on the second page which looks terrible. Is there a way I can make it look reasonable, preferably ensuring 4 bars per line. Please see pics below to get what I mean.


Attachment Size
score1.png 156.2 KB
score2.png 151.54 KB


Really, though, the better solution is to simply delete that line break - that is what is causing your problem. There's nothing wrong with having only three measure son the first page - the issue is having only a single bar on the second page, and that happens only because your line break is telling MuseScore to do that. Scores should not normally be micro-managed in this way - they are most readable when the spacing is consistent and number of pages is minimized, not when enforcing an arbitrary number of measures per page. That sort of the fine tuning is best left to the parts.

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