How do I change from 6/4 to 3/2 time sig midway through a piece?

• Oct 17, 2018 - 22:20

I'm trying to enter Playford's "Jenny Pluck Pears" tune. It starts in 6/4, then moves to 3/2 for the second half. The palette doesn't appear to offer me a 3/2 option.
So I copied another 6/4 time sig from the palette onto that 9th bar, then changed its properties using the right click & "edit" box, but this was a very long winded and clumsy way of doing it.
MuseScore is so helpful as a program I'm sure there must be a better way of doing this, but I'm not finding it yet!
With thanks for any help.


In reply to by mike320

Thanks, that's a LOT easier :-)

Just one step more: this works within the Master Palette, but it doesn't then appear on the Time Signature palette on the left of the working space. I feel sure there's a way to then insert it there, but can't find that now.
Thanks again.

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