Lost Files?

• Oct 23, 2018 - 23:29

I cannot access some of my scores, when I try I simply get an error message and it is really important to me that I get them back, does anyone know how to help with this? The error message says Cannot Read File and I am using Windows 8.


You can attach scores that don't open for you here and someone will look to see if they can be repaired. Make sure you don't attach files that start with . and end with , since they are backup files can cannot be downloaded or opened in MuseScore. If you see these, you can remove the . and , to make a file that will open in MuseScore, but will be missing all of the edits on them in the last session.

I'm curious how many corrupt files your have or if they are actually backup files.

In reply to by jade'sfire

Your file is full of zeros so it's unrecoverable. You will need to look for a backup, which should be there if you didn't delete it. See https://musescore.org/en/node/52116 if you haven't already. I don't think windows 8 had a cloud backup service, but look there if you have one.

You said you have more than one file that is corrupt? How many? I've not heard of anyone having several corrupt files before. Could you do the survey at https://musescore.org/en/node/271185 so programmers can prevent this in the future?

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