Instruments.XML "variant" documentation?

• Nov 10, 2018 - 20:44

I've been creating a custom XML file and I've been trying to find some documentation on how to use the "Variant" function with non-pitched percussion, can anyone share some knowledge on variants or point me in the right direction?

What I'm looking for is a way to add an articulation to a note and have its midi-output changed.
e.g. the standard note sends a "59" but when I but a staccato over it, it sends a "57".
I think this is accomplished by using variants, but I can't quite figure out how.


In reply to by jeetee

Thank you so much! I'm updating the Musescore XML file for Virtual Drumline to include this functionality.
Follow up questions:
-Is there any way of implementing this but in reverse, (or something in the works)
E.g. I place a note from the drumset window and it automatically has the articulation on it?

-Is there a way to have multiple articulations further change the note's assignment?
e.g. no articulation = 59. with mordent = 60. with mordent AND staccato = 61.

In reply to by Cadence Point Music

-Is there any way of implementing this but in reverse, (or something in the works)
E.g. I place a note from the drumset window and it automatically has the articulation on it?

No. Nothing for the moment

-Is there a way to have multiple articulations further change the note's assignment?
e.g. no articulation = 59. with mordent = 60. with mordent AND staccato = 61.

No, it only works with a single articulation and a single tremolo for now.

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