Ossia creates small measure numbers

• Dec 15, 2018 - 16:02

The ossia (and small staff) in a piano score makes the measure number (15) for that system small (see attached image). I can imagine a workaround, by creating and renumbering a measure number in an earlier measure and moving it there, but is there any simpler way around this?

Attachment Size
Small Measure Number.png 1.37 MB


You have only included a picture rather than the score, so much is impossible to tell. Do you have measure number or rehearsal marks on your score? If it's measure numbers I would expect that to happen, but it also happens to rehearsal marks. This should not happen just because the first staff in a score is made small for an ossia. I've discovered this is the same in both version 2.3.2 and the beta releases of version 3. In my mind this is a bug and should be reported in https://musescore.org/en/node/add/project_issue?pid=1236 if it isn't already reported. I'm going to see if it has been, I have a vague memory of seeing this discussed before.

In reply to by darkstream

Don't be offended, but you would be surprised what people say compared to what they truly did using this program.

If you make a rehearsal mark have the same number as the measure it is in, all subsequent (automatically numbered) rehearsal marks will also indicate the measure. I don't know if you know this, but from the picture it looks possible that you had done this. In my opinion, the rehearsal marks should not shrink, since they are system text while measure numbers should shrink since they are a type of staff text (attached to individual staves).

I'm going to enter a bug report to this effect since since I couldn't find one from the last 2 years.

In reply to by darkstream

Interesting dilemma. If the bug fix only make system text larger, then it would not fix this and Shoichi's method is the best way to fix this. Since version 2.x is not going to be updated, your only fix at the moment is to change the size of the affected numbers. The default size for a small staff is 80% of regular size, so you can change the font size. use f/.8 to determine the font size you want to use. f = the font size in points displayed when you open the text properties. Don't change the text style or all of the other measure numbers will also grow. For example, for a font size of 10, 10/.8 = 12.5

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