Christmas list
Dear Santa,
For Christmas (or at least sometime in the next year) I would like to see MuseScore 3 mature into the great program it should be. Here is what I would like to see to make this happen
- Proper playback without problems with autosave
- Staff type change that allows the staff type to actually change
- Tremolos that look right, play right and get copied right
- Smarter text layout
- A reasonable list of instruments in the Orchestra section
- MuseScore to remember which instrument list I'm working from after close and open
- Fermatas that work and can be placed on barlines
- Key and time signatures everywhere and only where they belong
- Recognition of natural+sharp/flat accidentals in measures
- The ability to change text to system text like in version 2
- Lyrics that don't crash into other things
- Smarter handling of invisible items
- Grace notes that look and work right
- An easier method to play only the part when looking at the part
- Save selection that works
- Make rest avoid beam rather than making beams avoid rests
- Allow editing instrument names like in version 2.3.2 (double click...)
- Easier editing of palettes
- Single note dynamics change
- beams across system breaks that look right
- System text that can be repeated in the main score
- Cross staff/voice arpeggios that work
- Text that doesn't change font while editing
- Two measure repeat sign
- Support diatonic instruments
- Ability to add accidentals to ornaments and for them to work
- Falls that work
- slide arpeggios (like on a trombone)
- Plugins that work
- to know what the PDF assistant is for and to see it work
I think the list got a little longer than I planned, but most of these are what I've seen asked for a lot.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone involved in MuseScore.
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you as well.
Nice list! Luckily Santa comes back every year ;)
Oh, my, missed the Clausian overflight!
For next year I'd like
In reply to Oh, my, missed the Clausian… by [DELETED] 1831606
FYI to make a bullet start the line with a space then * then a space.
I wanted to include as many items as possible that I've often seen requested in the forums and problems I see as urgently needed to be fixed. Your additions are very welcomed.
In reply to FYI to make a bullet start… by mike320
"-" and "*" are having the same effect for lists
In reply to Oh, my, missed the Clausian… by [DELETED] 1831606
"Not sure how you got the bullet-points in there"
• point 1
• point 2
Your friend for bullet points is the HTML entity
. I'm not sure whether all symbols are supported on this forum, but for a fairly complete list see:
In reply to @BSG "Not sure how you got… by DanielR
Not needed at all, see above and read up on markdown :-)
In reply to Not needed at all, see above… by Jojo-Schmitz
Space star space did not work -- I just changed it (see the post).
In reply to Space star space did not… by [DELETED] 1831606
Needs the empty line before the 1st item
In reply to Needs the empty line before… by Jojo-Schmitz
Ah, ok now. Thanks!
+1 for cross-staff arpeggios. It's quite common in piano sheets.
Also for piano: small square bracket "[" that is put enclosing two notes to indicate fingering crushed with same finger (usually thumb). Sorry I don't know the official name of that notation, but it's quite common in piano sheets.
In reply to +1 for cross-staff arpeggios… by muse3
I'm guessing this bracket is around 2 of the more than 2 notes in a chord.
In reply to +1 for cross-staff arpeggios… by muse3
Or an overslur to indicate finger substitution.
𝛑 in the sky: a language or GUI for defining/customizing the execution of ornaments, including ones you invent.
above:… ;-).
In reply to above:… by kuwitt
FWIW maybe a explanation of my comment: Yesterday someone asked me to write down the notes and lyrics of a song. I did it and I'm aware about workarounds, but I think there's room for improvements concerning editing lyrics below a staff and appending text (such as using two columns for appending verses).
"MuseScore to remember which instrument list I'm working from after close and open"
This was actually the 2nd issue I ever made a PR for: #274540: A MuseScore User cannot save an instrument group selection in the "Change Instrument..." dialog of the "Edit Staff/Part Properties" dialog
Never got merged, and I doubt it will now without me closing it, and reopening it with a rebase :)
In reply to "MuseScore to remember which… by TheOtherJThistle
Why close to rebase?
In reply to Why close to rebase? by Jojo-Schmitz
New PR:
"Single note dynamics change"
This one is coming, since I'm just waiting on a soundfont update before it's fully functional. Not too long now...
"slide arpeggios (like on a trombone)"
Do you mean portamento? If so, it's coming and will be a style of glisssando similar to chromatic, diatonic, white keys, etc
In reply to "slide arpeggios (like on a… by Michael Froelich
In reply to "slide arpeggios (like on a… by Michael Froelich
Most of the things on my list had been previously discussed, some since version 1. I think we have a core group of people who are capable and willing to implement everything on the list. With my limited knowledge of programming, I think they should all be possible in version 3.0. I realize also that some will take more time than others. At the moment the emphasis really need to be on fixing bugs and restoring features that were either broken or forgotten between versions 2 & 3.
I did misspeak, I meant glissandos not arpeggios.