MS3: arpeggios not getting executed

• Jan 10, 2019 - 20:31

I don't understand why the arpeggii in m. 1 (hidden part Hps exec) work beatifully, but the ones in much of the rest of the piece - say mm 13-14, seem not to work. All the arpeggii were entered in this MS3.

OS: macOS 10.14, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: c1a5e4c

Attachment Size
II._Siciliano_(doloroso).mscz 61.54 KB


You used the PRE to edit the ones that don't work.

PRE markings.PNG

This is what it looks like in the mscx file when you adjust start times with the PRE.

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