Double line bars and Ending line bars issue

• Feb 1, 2019 - 19:43

Hi, Gang!!!

I use MuseScore 3.0.2 portable version into UbuntuStudio 18.04.1 LTS (64 bit Linux).

I discovered that, when we create an score with a number of instruments/staves from the scracth and we preserve that original number of instruments/staves, then we get all works so fine, about bar lines.

BUT... When we change something about instruments/staves (eliminating and/or adding), then... Double line bars and Ending bar lines... Simply, don't work!!!

Please, see the two samples I'm uploading.

First sample: "Vengo, Jesús, a ti", was made without changes in the instruments part from the scratch.

Second sample: "Encontré a Jesús", was made with changes in the instruments part (I added and deleted some of the original staves, because personal mistakes).

I thinks this is a bug, men!!!

Blessings and Greetings from Chile



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