Measure Fills Entire Width of Page

• Apr 26, 2019 - 00:47

I know this is a commonly discussed topic but I still can't lick this problem. I have one measure (#131) that fills the entire page width. I also have three other spots on the same page where two measures do the same thing (#129-130, 141-142 and 143-144) . On a different page I have three measures that are awkwardly stretched to also fill the page width (#93-95). I have tried using Decrease Stretch, adjusting Scaling, and inserting System Breaks. I've also tried deleting all System Breaks. I would appreciate any help I can get to solve this problem, and I'm attaching the score. Also, while I was fooling around trying to fix this, the staves on my last page all decided to move away from each other, leaving large vertical spaces between them. I solved that issue by decreasing Style>Page>Max System Distance to 8.5, its lowest setting. But what could I have done to have caused that problem in the first place? Finally, does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can best separate Measures 120 and 121 so that the Glissando doesn't have to break between lines? Thank you all in advance.

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SUN_IS_SHINING.mscz 47.46 KB


You can change the size of all elements of the score at your will.

1) Go to the "FORMAT" menu.

2) Go to the "STYLE" option, if you want to set your changes permanently (to all future works).

3) Go to the "PAGE ADJUSTMENT" option, if you just want to change this specific work.

If you use the second option, you have to look for two specific boxes:

1) PAGE SIZE. Please, be careful to write the right size of the paper page you are using.

2) SCALING. The number in this box is "THE" key to the final score size. You will have to experiment, a little, up to find the best size for your work.

If you use the first option (general style), please... READ THE HANDBOOK VERY CAREFULLY!!!

Good luck!!!

I'll start with 120&121. I don't understand the problem. They're already on one line. Once you put fewer measures on the line, they will stretch out so the glissando is more obvious. It's possible this is because I'm looking at it in 3.1.

I looked at the score in 3.1-beta, and it looks mostly good to me. I selected all of the measures from 126 to 147 and removed the stretch and there are no lines with one measure. 131-132 are the only line with two measures, and that will be difficult to overcome without reducing the scaling.

In reply to by mike320

mike320, my version of Musescore is and my Measure 120 is at the end of one line and Measure 121 is the first measure of the next line and the Gliss looks crappy. Plus, I still have all the stretchy problems I mentioned in my OP. What can I do?

Laded into 3.0.5, I see 120 & 121 on the same line as well. But I can imagine slight different in fonts etc as well as verison of MuseScore used might affect this. Anyhow, whenever you want to encofrce a particualr layout, best is to use system breaks on every system to lock in the layout (see Format / Add/Remove System Breaks for a quick automatic way to do this). Then reduce stretch or global spacing one notch just to make sure there is some "wiggle room" - it won't have a visible effect because of the breaks, but it will protect you agaisnt layout changes if something changes in the future to make a measure just slightly wider and then it doesn't fit any more.

Meanwhile, 131 is pretty full, but on my system it lives with 130 happily Same thing applies here.

I don't see large spaces on the last page - I'm wondering if you attached the wrong copy of your score - but that would happen if you increase max system distance. That's exactly it's purpsoe, to allow MuseScore to spread systems out if there is room to fill on the page.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc, to get my last page to have good system distances, I cranked Style>Page>Maximum System Distance down as far as it would go (to 8.5) and that worked fine. Should I convert to v3.5beta as suggested by mike320? Is it difficult? Can I do it without risking losing my score?

In reply to by Mertz

"Good" is subjective. Many people prefer to have pages filled so each page has the same bottom margin, so the defaults are set to facilitate that. Many people would then add page breaks to make sure each page has a more similar number of systems (eg, 20 systems as 7+7+6 instead of 8+8+4).

But if you prefer consistent system distances and the resulting uneven bottom margins if the number of systems per page isn't identical, then setting max = min is indeed the way to go.

I want to thank all of you for your help. It turns out that upgrading to v3.1 Beta solved my problems. I don't know, though, how my existing document seemed to get automatically converted to the upgrade. All I did was download the upgraded program to my PC, and then when I checked on my document, thinking I was going to have to click on some "Upgrade This Document" icon, I was surprised to find that the document had already been upgraded to v3.1 Beta. Is this the way it always works, or did I sleepwalk through some additional step?

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