3.1 Finds corrupted measures. Adds extra space in measures.

• May 29, 2019 - 05:09

This score was fine before installing 3.1. Upon opening the message says the file is corrupted.
Three measures produce this message:
Measure 3, staff 3incomplete. Expected: 8/4; Found 11529/5760.
Same message for measures 5 and 9.
Re-opend twice. Same messages. Now Musescore crashes on opening.
These three measure in staff 3 have two groups of 9:8. In 3.1 a 256th rest was put between the two nonets. The bar line was drawn, followed by a space of about 1/3 of a line.
Score attached.
K Austin


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you. As noted in https://musescore.org/en/node/54721 it is not possible to upload a corrupted file. I will try erasing the measure and re-entering the part. The 1024th rest in the middle of the bar could be selected, but I was unable to delete it.
The attached screen image is similar to the 2 measures that follow. I just looked at the Preview of this message and the .jpg doesn't appear.
I trashed 3.1 -- with the predictable result. I have removed it from the trash so that I could open the file.
I'll let you know what happens.


In reply to by kevin.austin@v…

That page does say that, and if if would it'd be wrong. musescore.org's issue tracker and forums don't care at all about the content of attachments, it just cares about the extension.
It is not possible to upload a corrupt score to musescore.com (or use 'Save online"), but that is not what we're asking here

In reply to by kevin.austin@v…

You can attach any .mscz or .mscx file to your response to a message on these forums. There have been many corrupt and very broken files loaded here. The forum does not try top open the score like musescore.com does.

Edit: follow the link in your email to the forum and click reply to a message to attach a file.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

OS 10.14.3
I moved 3.1 to the desktop, opened the file [ignoring the corrupt file message], deleted the offending measures [now 4 of them], Saved as, closed 3.1, opened 3.1 with the "NEW Temp NEW Preludio . . ". I have tried to attach it with this email.
Measures 3, 4, 5, and 6 have extra 'space' on each staff system. Selecting the default breve rest only selects the portion of the measure with entries.
I will try to re-enter the [now] missing nonets and see if the [lost] space disappears.

Carrying on.

In reply to by Shoichi

I have erased the corrupted measures. They are in 8/4. The horn part is two eighth-note nonuplets, which I entered. Musescore entered the nonuplets correctly. At the end of the measure it added a 1024th rest. It then deleted a 1024th 'note' from the next measure. I deleted the extra rests.
I have re-entered the notes in the 4 measures. There is still the extra space at the end of the staff system.

Interestingly, I had seen this behavior before, maybe a decade ago with Finale. It turned out to be a rounding error in the tuplet algorithm, because – I was told, the seventeenth divisions I was entering were rounded, leaving an extra 'unit', which the algorithm interpreted as a 1024th rest.
This was for Finale a very obscure problem, but they did a minor update to assure that each 'beat' added to the correct number of virtual units.

In reply to by kevin.austin@v…

Hmm, score last saved with MuseScore 3.0.5, that indeed had an issue with 9-lets, due to some bizarre rounding errors, 3.1 avoids that problem by not rounding in the first place but storing fractions instead.

I though though that 3.1 should load and fix those kind of corruptions on the fly. Maybe I'm wrong on that, or something else is going on.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you everyone for your work on this, and musescore in general.
The file opened with the extra space issue resolved, but did open with the "Corruption" notice – the same as the first time, but without the 1024th rests.
I quit, and reopened. The corruption notice did not come up.

As an aside, in m1 there are trills and four of the five are still on the page -- I have removed Automatic placement, and placed them above the chord. When the file is reopened, they appear about 1 1/2 staves higher. [¿]

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It was pointed out that I was using 3.05, which I found occasionally erratic, the problem of the roaming trills being one of them. Watching how musescore does certain things, I think there are many adjustments being made 'behind the scene', such as moving staves apart when lots of ledger lines, articulations or texts appear between staves in a system. There is a box for 'stacking order'. I'm not sure what it does but I assume it relates to how elements that conflict are sequenced, and the additional required space is allocated. But I don't find it explained in the manual so can't use this feature knowledgeably.

The developers are doing a great job juggling the demands and I congratulate all of you for your dedication.


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