Musescore with Ipad for midi?

• Oct 3, 2017 - 00:42

I'm new to this... can someone please tell me if MuseScore would work on an IPad for midi recording hooked up to a Yamaha DGX 620? Thank you.


Hello. Can a downloaded MIDI format score be played back through a midi device, via an iPad with the necessary adaptor? I see you were "working on it" over 2 years ago. Any progress?.
Thanks, James

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes I understand it can play a MIDI file on its own. But it appears not to play out to a MIDI device, eg keyboard, via a USB to MIDI cable with iPad adapter. I may be doing something wrong but am attempting to do this with a songbook score that I’ve saved on the iPad and no sound is produced, as it is from the Windows version on my PC using the USB to Midi cable. I think my query in short is: Is the MIDI functionality only available on the Windows version of Musescore? If that is the case is there any workaround that can employ an iPad?
Thanks again for your help.

In reply to by Jimsynge

I'm confused. You asked if a "download MIDI format score" can be played through a MIDI device. The answer is that it isn't possible, but that's not something the MsueScore app would be at all involved with - it doens't deal with downloaded MIDI scores at all, only its own scores. Are you actually talking about regualr MuseScore score,s not downloaded MIDI files? If so, then indeed you would need the MuseScore app for just to open the score at all, and I suspect that MIDI output capability does not exist - but you'd need to ask over on the support group for the iOS app, over on

But to answer the last question, workaround is to do what I thought you were asking about in the first place - use a downloaded MIDI file (eg, downloaded from directly) and use an app that does playback via MIDI.

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