Sheet music won't load on

• Jan 10, 2020 - 17:25

I just uploaded a new score onto, and for some reason, when I go to view the song, I can only see the first page. The other pages of the score will not load. I've tried viewing it in a different browser and on a different device, but the result is the same. It seems to only happen to this song. Any other song will load all its pages just fine. It's just my most recently uploaded score where pages won't load.


Sounds like something to ask about over on that site, in the "Improving" group. Best to include a link to the score in question when you do.

In reply to by kahotshot is a website where you share scores. Anything having to do with that website, you ask over there. is a site decided to support of the MuseScore notation software itself. Note that many users don't actually use MuseScore themselves, and many MuseScore users never use

Were you ever able to resolve this, kahotshot? I myself am able to view only the first page of my music download (in 'Page View' mode), or a single line of the music (in 'Continuous View'), or at the entire piece of music (in 'Single Page mode). Have you found a way to display the music by page; that is, as with Page View, I can look at the first page and, then, maybe click on something to go to successive pages? Many thanks for any help.

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