Change tempo proportionally on playback?

• Apr 18, 2020 - 04:14

Is there a way to change the tempo proportionally for a ritardando, instead of manually via system text? The purpose is for exporting a score as multiple MP3s at different tempos for instructional purposes.

For example, say the tempo of the piece is 100. For the last two measures I want to reduce the BPM to 75 (25% reduction in speed).

But I also want a recording of the piece at 200. So the last two measures would slow down to 150.

I know I could do this manually...I'm just wondering if there's an automated way?


Well, you can use the Play Panel to scale the overall tempo of the performance. I'm not sure if that is taken into consideration on MP3 export, but if not, you could create the MP3 by capturing the audio using Audacity or whatever.

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